Kayson Callis
The hurt in your chest over an announcement.
The sudden lost of arousment.
The worried feeling of that announcement.
Worried if your even gonna make it past 10
While your hearing that announcement
K-9’s running through the halls
Looking for the gun
That is apperant
Stages of Rape
The feeling of terror.
You’re trying to scare them.
Thinking your giving them “pleasure”
But they’re just in utter terror.
The Restraints.
Hands held down by weights.
The feeling of it being over Awaits.
Why are there restraints.
The Dreams.
Wake up from dreams ending in screams.
Tears running down my face like streams.
Why’d you have to push me to those extremes.
I can’t sleep.
Worries drown my head
thinking i might end up dead
while i lay in bed in such a steep
Some ask why i can’t sleep .
Maybe it’s because every time i dream
it ends up in a scream
Like i’m in a awful scheme
Night terrors.
there like barriers
some people have sweet dreams
While i’m stuck with these terrors
I get called it day by day
But all i feel is pain
From the way he restrained
The unwanted touch.
Feelings of being stuck in the muck
While he treated me like such
Only used for touch
The end of this days riot
Maybe if i tried harder
To beat this fire
it will eventually stop this riot
and finally be quiet.
finally time to sleep
But anxiety is killing me
so i lay and bed and desire
thinking of what i can acquire
But i know i’m a survivor
Are you alright?
First period.
As i shed a tear friends ask while say “i’m alright”
Second period.
The thoughts start rushing through my mind.
“ Are you alright?” friends say
Third period.
My mind starts to slowly develop a picture as another tear sheds “are you alright?”
Fourth period.
The picture is fuzzy but i can make out a silver line “Are you alright?”
Fifth period.
The picture starts coming together i see a blob of tan within “ are you alright?”
Sixth period.
“oh no please no” i say to myself as i see a hand grabbing the handle of the silver lined figure “ are you alright?”
Seventh period.
I start to realize it’s me grabbing that silver lined figure “Are you alright?”
Eighth period.
The picture becomes clear as i see the knife “ stop these thoughts please i’m begging” as i ask myself while another tear drops from my cold face… “are you alright?”
Bell rings.
I wish someone actually asked the simple question…“ are you alright? “ i’ve imagined them asking all day when they really just stared and laughed
Bus Home.
I cry as i remember what they say “ man up man up” they say as tears just fell down my face
The vision turned to reality that could’ve been avoided with just a simple question of “ Are you alright? “
First period.
The news goes over the announcement “ ….. has ended his life late last night”
Second period.
The feeling sinks in . “ i wish i would’ve asked if he was ok” they say…